Oct 9, 2020

In Wisconsin We Don't Care about the 25th Amendment; Pelosi Is Out-of-touch Playing Gratuitous Politics

Madison, Wisconsin — People in Wisconsin are worried about their families, and small-business failure to come on a gargantuan scale.

So, instead of hammering out another COVID stimulus, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) is playing games with rhetoric about the 25 Amendment, continuing a ridiculous personal spat with the president.

In three months Trump is gone, and no Cabinet member is going to sign on to a declaration that he is unfit.

Meanwhile, every economist is issuing dire warnings about that families, landlords, restaurants, taverns, professional-service, essentially everyone except the top few percent are facing catastrophe.

So, Nancy Pelosi gets to insult the lunatic in the White House that he is even more unfit. How does this help us? 

This is a colossal waste of time that tells us, in the words of Krystal Ball, "noone is this town [D.C.] actually gives a shit about the people who are most impacted."

Pelosi is self-absorbed, possessed of an inflated sense of her own personal importance, with a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for what Americans are going through, (Mayo Clinic).

Sound like someone else in high public office?

I'm under no illusions about the White House, but Pelosi needs to focus: We matter, not her, and not her need for gratuitous insult during high national crises.

@SpeakerPelosi: "Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow. We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment."

Full video here: https://t.co/5q4HIglmaZ pic.twitter.com/8Jeim87yJM

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