Oct 14, 2020

Hey, Nancy, Take the Deal; Are You Crazy?

Update: See Congress Has Another Chance to Pass a Stimulus, Democrats need to take it, (Harris, Slate).

Nancy Pelosi is deranged, the real thing.

Faced with the obliteration of the recovery, such as this recovery is, Pelosi is stubbornly refusing to take a $1.8 trillion stimulus, out of concern that this would be a political victory for the president.

Even Wolf Blitzer, no progressive is he, was taken aback by Pelosi's refusal to just take the deal Trump has offered, (Cillizza, Microsoft News).

Here's Blitzer questioning Pelosi:

Blitzer: Even members of your own caucus, Madam Speaker, want to accept this deal, $1.8 trillion, Congressman Ro Khanna for example. But let met just quote Ro Khanna, a man you know well. I assume you admire him. He's a Democrat.

And he just said this. He said "People in need can't wait until February, $1.8 trillion is significant and more than twice the Obama stimulus. Make a deal, put the ball in McConnell court."

So what do you say to Ro Khanna?

Pelosi: What I say to you is, I don't know why you're always an apologist. And many of your colleagues, apologists for the Republican position. Ro Khanna, that's nice. That isn't what we're going to do and nobody's waiting till February.

Listen to the CNN interview, Nancy Pelosi is a crazy person, truly. And this unhinged Speaker is the only person standing in the way of getting $1.8 trillion out of Trump and Mitch McConnell during the COVID pandemic.

Guess Joe Biden's position. Dead silence from the Democratic Party nominee.

See also:

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