Oct 8, 2020

Bi-partisan Refusal to Pass COIVD Stimulus Clinches It — Americans Don't Count with Dems and GOP

Veep debate shuns COVID relief bill

Parties Unmasked

Update: Madison, Wisconsin — Just heard the Joe Biden TV spot exclaiming "It's a simple proposition, we're all in this together." 

Biden is lying.

It's major lie. Unless you are pouring serious money into Congress and the parties, you are out; you do not count with the Republican and Democratic parties.

Even the most obtuse member of Congress realizes how devastating the recession, COVID 19 and business-as-usual are to families and most Americans.

The COVID 19 relief-stimulus bill did not even come up last night in the veep debate, noone wants to talk about it.

But Democrats and Republicans do not care. They don't, you are not a member of their D.C. club, and you may as well curse the coming Wisconsin Winter.

One would think after Trump walked away from COVID relief talks, that all of Congress would be howling, constantly raising hell, harassing us about this injustice with the frequency of a Mike Lindell My Pillow commercial. 

Outside of a few tweets and a statement or two, instead, we get dead silence and no action from Pelosi and Schumer. 
Krystal Ball laid it out yesterday: 
I will never forgive Trump for abandoning Americans right now. He was the only person who solely held in his hands the power to get this done. 
I don't want to let Pelosi off the hook here either. She decided for electoral gain, she would rather Americans have nothing than to give Trump any kind of a win. 
Now, she's probably correct politically. But it is an unconscionable, and frankly psychopathic position. 
Trump's position is both politically idiotic and psychopathic cruel. The bottom-line of this recession, which has ultimately dictated the lack of response, is that noone is this town actually gives a shit about the people who are most impacted.
This was the most unequal recession of all time, devastating the bottom half of the country, and leaving unscathed, or even benefiting the top echelons of society. If ever you wondered how much the people here actually care about you, you now know in absolutely uncertain terms — they don't.
Now, watch, (because observing and commenting is about all we can do with the two parties), as the United States sinks into another Great Recession, if we're lucky.

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