Sep 13, 2020

Working Families Eviscerated as Biden, Democrats Hold Fundraisers amid Silence on Stimulus

Horror stories from coast to coast abound as families are devastated by lack of healthcare, jobs, safe water, and food.

But that was before COVID 19.

Now, Democrats and Republicans are playing games to kill major stimulus relief.

And there is no Medicare for All, Green New Deal, Student Loan Forgiveness or any major jobs programs in the political offing in 2021.

That's because Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden are all committed to killing progressive legislation, and for the same reasons — Wall Street, health insurance companies and other huge donor interests such as real estate. Google "Biden holds $1000,000 fundraiser" and scan the voluminous results.

Bernie Sanders and Michael Moore are warning Biden's handlers not to shaft American families again.

Their warnings fall on deaf ears.

How out-of-touch is Joe Biden? Consider healthcare.

Biden and his consultants believe that because the former senator and vice president received free, tax-payer-financed healthcare for his family through the Federal Employees Health Benefits program, it follows that the American people should not be obtain the same tax-payer-financed healthcare for their families.

Explains Joe Biden in his healthcare spot
that seems to run as often in Wisconsin as Mike Lindell's My Pillow ads: "HealthCare is personal to me."

Joe Biden does not have to live with the same worries of working families. 

Biden doesn't stress about deductibles, exclusions, massive debt and bankruptcies.

He just takes in corporate America's millions and screws American families, as Democrats say, thank you.

In his ad, Biden ironically takes a dig at health insurance companies, the same companies that finance his campaign for president and every elected office he has sought, more than any other Democratic Party candidate in 2019-2020, (In These Times).

Biden's dishonest and ridiculous stance on healthcare evokes defeated Gov Scott Walker's (R-Wisconsin) infamous "I care too much about the people of this state" to allow them to enroll in Medicaid, federal money already allocated.

Joe Biden has been in office for several decades so comparisons with the Trump administration should be formulated as Trump resembles Biden in considering policy stupidity in COVID 19 response.

In late Oct, Trump issued a sweeping moratorium on residential evictions through the Centers on Disease Control and Prevention.

The moratorium seems a rare bold, public health initiative. It's not and it exemplifies policy not even approaching half-measure value on a still-growing crisis.

What a massive stimulus bill should do to address this swath of policy is send federal money directly to landlords to pay for tenants in need of help. 

The subsidy could can be free, or payback without interest or whatever. This would solve the problem for the tenants, the landlords, the banks and the coming worst-yet liquidity crisis. 

In context, the moratorium is dishonest. Tenants in need are just pushing off eviction until after Jan 1 because after that they’ll be expected to come up with a pile of money for back-rent, penalties and they won’t have it.

If Trump were smart, he'd push, as he is able, a major stimulus legislation that includes a residential landlord stimulus.

But comprehensive public policy solving crises is not what Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden do.

They all play political games and likely Democratic Party officeholders will receive a new memo advising Dems to blame everything on the Russians.

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