Sep 12, 2020

Identity Politics — Dennis Hopper and Quentin Tarantino May Save Career of Academic Whose Human Identity Is Center of Kook Storm

Madison, Wisconsin — Race traitors are among us.

Make it, Race charlatans are among us. They have betrayed us.

Correction: Race charlatans are ethnicity charlatans or People-of-color charlatans who have betrayed us, and must be banished.

Identity politics — the cuckoo, nonsensical, irrational racial conception scheme that ascribes to you your identity — has been driven into new depths of inanity, (Inside HigherEd).

From the Wisconsin State Journal comes a report of a person-of-color charlatan who has admitted to corrupting the neo-fascist, liberal human classification system popular with Democrats, some quasi-academics and those pretending to agreement.

Reports Kelly Meyerhofer in the State Journal on this scandal that would make 19th century British anthropologists shake their heads:

CV Vitolo-Haddad, a graduate student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication who uses they/them pronouns, said they identify as Southern Italian/Sicilian. But in a series of apologies issued over the past week, they said they have distorted their ancestry, failed to correct others’ assumptions about their ethnic origins and relied on their parents’ 'conflicting stories' of their heritage.

'I have let guesses about my ancestry become answers I wanted but couldn’t prove,' Vitolo-Haddad wrote in an apology posted Sunday on the blogging platform Medium. 'I have let people make assumptions when I should have corrected them.'

In a second apology posted Tuesday, Vitolo-Haddad wrote that when asked if they identify as Black on three separate occasions, they did not say no.

'In trying to make sense of my experiences with race, I grossly misstepped and placed myself in positions to be trusted on false premises,' Vitolo-Haddad wrote. 'I went along with however people saw me. … All of those actions were deeply misguided and have caused an incredible amount of hurt for the Madison community, those I organize with, and everyone who has been exposed to this public reckoning. It was my choice and error to identify any differently.'

I feel sorry for Ms. Vitolo-Haddad.

And it-she-they-lifeform [sorry for being being Carbon-centric]-space-time-system should retract their apologies and blow the whistle on the racist ideology that is racking up actual victims as its zealots go to absurd length to protect old-school genocide and slavery in theory and practice.

CV Vitolo-Haddad did not fail to correct erroneous assumptions and also identify herself in error.

Let me explain.

She, I mean they is a Southern Italian/Sicilian. Right?

Well, I just watched Dennis Hopper explain to Christopher Walken in True Romance (Tony Scott, 1993) that the Moors invaded ancient Italy and raped a sufficient number of white Italians to make Sicilians a bonefide, how did Hopper put it, a boenfide 'person of color 1,200 years later,' is what he said.

I think we owe gratitude to True Romance screenwriter, Quentin Tarantino, and Dennis Hopper for explaining how and why Vitolo-Haddad could not and did not erroneously identify with people of color.

Then again, we can also thank such endeavors like the UW-Madison Dept of Geology and Geophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Paleontology and Genetics, for example, for their heretical work that includes findings that the human species is some 300,000 years old, we are composed of several non-human species, and race-ethnicity-people-of-whatever is nonsense that noone can seriously misrepresent any more than they can fail to correct that she is a Chicago Bears fan.

So, science, history, Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken may save CV Vitolo-Haddad.

But I find myself wondering how much of the University system is worth saving. 

Here's Dennis Hopper explaining to Christopher Walken in True Romance (Tony Scott, 1993) the vacuity of race and the interconnections of humanity, even for those who deny we are all of the same species.

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