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Shoveling some serious shite across Wisconsin - Big Ag workers, State Rep. Scott Krug (R-Nekoosa, Wisconsin) and State Rep. Joel Kitchens (R-Sturgeon Bay), work closely with Scott Walker and polluters to help with pro-pollution, effective political messaging. Krug and Kitchens made a joint appearance on March 31, 2016 at Algoma City Hall in northeastern Wisconsin. Krug and Kitchens told residents to contact the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) to have their concerns about polluted water heard. The DNR under Scott Walker has abdicated its traditional mission to protect natural resources, including water. Citizens came out on a Winter evening and were lied to repeatedly by two elected state officials who should be looking out for constituents, not polluters. |
Citizens' demands are met with just as clear a response from industrialized agricultural polluters and their protectors in the state and federal legislature: The response is, No.
For example, Rep. Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) belched up some blather in a June Is Dairy Month column. Kind does not mention corporate dairy agriculture and its ongoing environmental assault against family farmers and Wisconsin communities, used to having family farmers living on the land
Living near vast industrial manure ponds would be an act of madness, and suicide of course. One reason why the owners of one and every four pigs, for example, in the United States are Chinese and living safely away from their rural American colonies.
Death by manure pond
In a repulsive illustration of the scale of polluting industrialized agriculture, summer brings death by dairy and swine manure pond that happens every year across the nation. The deaths are every bit as horrific as they sound: See Another dairy worker drowns in a manure lagoon in less than a year, Two Wisconsin men die in manure pit accident, Iowa father, son die from manure pit fumes.
I guess CAFO owner and manure pond creator, James Wysocki of central Wisconsin, can't be blamed for not living on the grounds of his Confined Animal Feeding Operations, (CAFOs).
The problem is Wysocki and Big Ag have no reluctance to vectoring liquid manure into area communities with the predictable consequences of poisoning aquifers and surface waters with a lot of help from Scott Walker and the DNR. Big Ag both pollutes and deletes ground and surface water.
Political protection
Kind's constituents include Wood and Adams county residents where agribusiness, (Big Ag), is proliferating and targeting the region for shock-and-awe treatment in pollution and depletion-of-water tactics.
The business plan is to change a way of life so completely that multi-generational residents will become repulsed and terrorized, and they'll move out of their communities and leave the area as a colony to Big Ag polluters.
Doesn't seem right.
In Wisconsin state government, Big Ag's tools, State Rep. Scott Krug (R-Nekoosa, Wisconsin) and State Rep. Joel Kitchens (R-Sturgeon Bay), work closely with Scott Walker and polluters to help on pro-pollution, effective political tactics.
One example is a March 31, 2016 appearance at Algoma City Hall in northeastern Wisconsin at which Krug and Kitchens told residents to contact the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) to have their concerns about polluted water addressed, specifically the Ahnapee River, on Wisconsin’s Impaired Waters List.
Wisconsin's Republican attorney general working with the Republican governor and the Republican legislature has devastated the Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources' ability to chronicle and respond to systemic attacks on safe and drinkable water so for Krug and Kitchens to suggest the DNR and feign no understanding of what their Party is doing is disingenuous.
Communities band together
I mentioned to clean water activists in central Wisconsin, that children being hospitalized and poisoned might finally elicit some spasm of conscience. The universal response: It's happened before and it won't matter to these people, [Big Ag].
Facing such inaction from state and federal government, communities have to monitor and document the devastation from liquid cow manure relying on citizen action.
Below is a video of decent central Wisconsin folk fighting a corporate-Republican assault on their way of life:
As Mike points out, it's clear that citizens have to rise up and speak out to force this administration to protect their water, because the DNR, and the politicians in power answer to big ag. Remember the "court of public opinion".