Jan 31, 2016

Hillary in Full Slime Mode in Iowa

The last Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll shows the race virtually tied the weekend before the Iowa caucuses, so Hillary Clinton is doing what she does best: Lying.

Clinton has an ad saying Bernie Sanders is hostile to Planned Parenthood though Sanders was working for civil rights before Clinton was a Goldwater Girl.

Sanders has a 100 percent rating from NARAL and Planned Parenthood Action Fund's rating dating back as far as data are available.

Clinton has the Democratic Party establishment behind her, and is facing a grassroots, people-focused campaign in Bernie Sanders that has Clinton in a desperate situation. A confident campaign does not go negative the weekend before Election/Caucus Day.

Lose Iowa, and the dominoes will fall the wrong way for Clinton.

The establishment leadership is behind Clinton, and the grassroots is behind Sanders.

Only a fool would vote for Hillary Clinton because she will sell you out, and put Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid on the chopping block, then announce a third way with Paul Ryan and the Health Insurance industry from which Clinton has sucked in $ 13 million.

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