Dec 5, 2012

GOP Going Soviet in Wisconsin; Across the Nation

"The three-dimensional map above by Princeton
Professor Robert Vanderbei displays votes
county by county, using purples, instead of just blues and reds.
The creative display of his z-axis also provides a visual sense
of how many voters turned out in the locations.
As Kyle VanHemert's article,
'Infographic: A 3-D Map Of Where Votes Were Cast Most'
at Fastcode design explains:" '... In metropolitan areas, columns
shoot up like neon skyscrapers; in flyover country,
it's typically more of a low-rise affair.'" [Democratic Strategist]
Update II: Walker backs down, reverses stance.

Update: Scott Walker now says he meant "job creation," not ending same-day voter registration in his recent public statement. Easy to confuse the two, Scott. There's politicians, and liars and then there's pathological liars. 

After having gerrymandered the states to the furthest extent possible to elect Republicans; having obstructed (often stopped by the U.S. and state constitutions) the votes of millions, now Scott Walker and his conspirators in the Wisconsin legislature announce their intention to end same-day registration on voting day, urging other states to follow.
In Pennsylvania, likely to be followed by other states, Republicans want to change the Electoral College rules now that Republicans appear to have little chance of ever carrying this state on popular support.

Notice that Republicans are not calling for a new scheme that would give the presidency to whomever might win the most votes nationally.

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