Nov 2, 2012

Obama Victory Approaches October High; Wisconsin 94%, Ohio 82% Likely Obama Win

The face of the Republican Party's national RICO program.
Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office - Colin Small,
a former employee of Strategic Allied Consulting, a contractor
for the Republican Party of Virginia, had been scheduled
to appear last Tuesday before a grand jury
after he was charged with tossing
completed registration forms into a recycling bin.
Read Nate Silver's latest for electoral updates. Check out the Brad Blog for the national criminal Republican scandal.

It is becoming obvious now (finally) to casual voters that "Romney is one of the most dishonest, duplicitous candidates to ever seek the presidency," as Charles M. Blow writes.

The moderate Republicans continue their give-into-the-Tea Party-terrorists argument or else they'll wreck this country, as Paul Krugman writes:

But are we ready to become a country in which 'Nice country you got here. Shame if something were to happen to it' becomes a winning political argument? I hope not. By all means, vote for Mr. Romney if you think he offers the better policies. But arguing for Mr. Romney on the grounds that he could get things done veers dangerously close to accepting protection-racket politics, which have no place in American life.
Even the Washington Post has grown disgusted with Romney.

THROUGH ALL THE flip-flops, there has been one consistency in the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney: a contempt for the electorate.
As for the GOP criminality, through all the dirty, illegal programs that are integral to GOP politics these days, the leading media appears finally up to doing its job to a point.

I doubt Brad Friedman will get the credit he deserves for his routine, breaking, exclusive reports at the Brad Blog, but at least he is pushing the Post into becoming a newspaper vis a vis a Party sheet.

The White Party (GOP) is rivaling Nixon in its fetid politics and the John Birch Society in its policies. And the game is just about up.

Check out this piece from Carol D. Leonnig and Tom Hamburger:

American Crossroads, the political organization that Republican operative Karl Rove helped found, paid (Nathan) Sproul’s firms $1.5 million in the week before the 2010 midterm elections for get-out-the-vote efforts and voter phone calls, according to a review of election records. In total, companies led by Sproul have received $21 million from Republican campaign committees for voter outreach work since 2004. Much of the 2012 payments came from the national party to pay for voter registration in the key states of Florida, Colorado, North Carolina and Virginia.

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