The margin of error of estimates on the size of the protest is the give-away: Give or take 1,000s.
Walker's lies on just about any topic he speaks are not carrying the day.
Walker was raising money for an anticipated recall election at the Columbus Kestrel Ridge Golf club where even there he couldn't escape from Wisconsin as 100s of protesters met Walker there.

A union man from La Crosse, drinking a beer with his son and warming up from the damp 20s air at a hotel bar on the square, said, "Extremism. That's what Wisconsin will not tolerate. Walker is an extremist, and he takes his ideology and uses it against real people and families."
No matter the induced crises and devestation to local control that Walker and the GOP believe is necessary to sell their agenda, even rightwing polls confirm the sentiment the demonstrations loudly exclaim: Stop the War on Workers!
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