Oct 20, 2008

Obama Fights Voter Suppression Efforts

Obama is assembling 1,000s of attorneys to fight the McCain/GOP/Van Hollen voter suppression.

The voter suppression efforts will likely not be enough this year but the attempt tells you everything to know about today's Republican Party: Corrupt and anti-democratic.

From James Rowley in Bloomberg:

Legal battles unfolding in Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin provide fresh evidence of the potential fights to come over ballot access in an election marked by unprecedented spending to increase the number of voters in strategically important states. ...

Bob Bauer, the general counsel of Obama's campaign, charged that Republican efforts like the Ohio party's lawsuit, are 'grounded simply in an effort to intimidate voters and suppress the vote.'

In a conference call with reporters, Bauer vowed to mount 'ferocious response' to any effort to purge voter rolls, such as the lawsuit by Wisconsin's Republican attorney general, J.B. Van Hollen.

Van Hollen, who co-chairs McCain's presidential campaign in Wisconsin, sued to force the state agency overseeing elections to perform database searches to check the validity of all voters registered since Jan. 1, 2006. A decision is expected next week.

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