Dec 28, 2007

Huckabee Blasts Romney for Negative Ads

Mitt Romney is getting desperate. If Romney gets a poor showing in Iowa, he will go into New Hampshire smelling like a loser, quite possibly dooming his campaign.

So Romney is going negative on Mike Huckabee entering the last weekend before Iowa's caucuses.

A big risk for a faltering Romney campaign with no real choice or promising direction.

Huckabee is using Romney's negative tactics to raise money; and the perceived personal qualities of Huckabee's that have catapulted him into a frontrunner are precisely those lacking in Romney: Positive, sincere, kind-hearted and principled.

From the Huckster's fundraising e-mail:

With only days to go though, we still have a lots of work to do to overcome Governor Romney's organization and his negative attacks. He has outspent us 20 to 1 and nearly everyone I meet has seen one of his negative and false attack ads about me or has received a desperate piece of direct mail from his campaign that makes me sound like I should be run out of Iowa all of the way back to Arkansas.

In political consultant lingo, Governor Romney's campaign is trying to "define me" for voters. The thinking goes, if you run enough negative attack ads, people will begin to believe what they hear and will decide to stay home on Caucus night. It is an old trick in politics and probably one of the worst. Wouldn't it be better if Governor Romney spent his energy and money trying to define himself?


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