Nov 28, 2007

Huckabee and Paul Impress, Romney and Thompson Flop in CNN/YouTube Debate

Update: For those of you not pretending to think like a Republican primary voter, Salon has two analyses, and here's Nichols' take:

- What you missed while watching "Chad Vader" by Michael Scherer

- The godawful GOP debate by Walter Shapiro

- Out-Tancredoing Tancredo at GOP's Anti-Immigrant Debate by John Nichols

As a libertarian liberal watching the GOP's CNN/YouTube debate trying to think as a Republican primary voter, here are some impressions:

Rudy Giuliani - Did nothing to hurt himself. Seems unafraid to take unpopular positions, but reeks of the City. Still standing after immigration grilling. Not great on today's Politico's Billing-the-city piece. Third place.

Mike Huckabee - Impressive, witty, and religious; appears in sharper command of issues than in previous weeks. Co-winner.

Rep. Duncan Hunter - Unremarkable

Sen. John McCain - Slow start, but took off after torture question and demonstrated the command and clarity that made McCain an early front-runner. Second place.

Rep. Ron Paul - Decisive, earnest, anti-war and pro-vet. This guy is popular with veterans and is raising one hell of a lot of money. And the Iraq War is not nearly as popular with GOP voters as many pretend. GOP better find a way to stop this guy. Co-winner.

Mitt Romney - Indecisive, insincere and slick; unsteady, especially on the gays-in-the-military and torture questions. Big loser.

Rep. Tom Tancredo - Unremarkable

Fred Thompson - Listless, uninspired, and fading fast. Big loser.

The first primary is weeks away. And debates, mini-scandals and talking heads now matter. Campaign operatives are losing hair, I assure you.


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