Feb 25, 2022

Paul Ryan Cheerleaded Ketanji Brown Jackson as Federal Appellate Court Nominee in 2012

U.S. Senate Republicans are calling for confirmation hearings today, while Democrats want ratification and consent now for Ketanji Brown Jackson because the Supreme Court nominee is black, and is a woman.

The White House is so enthralled with the nominee's skin color, today's press release capitalizes, "Black," as in, "If confirmed, she will be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court."

Wow, she must really be Black?

Well, all black people and all woman are represented now because Brown Jackson has black skin and is a woman, right?

Wrong, but Biden wants loyalty and skin color, with a bit of meaningless genetics thrown in.

"I’m looking forward to making sure there’s a Black woman on the Supreme Court to make sure we in fact get everyone represented," said dopey Joe Biden at a debate before South Carolina's Democrat Party primary in Feb. 2020.

There was a time when character and commitment mattered, but those days are gone.

Biden's racist and sexist past and this ridiculous nominee of genetics are now presented to the American people, with the small matter of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary confirmation hearings brushed aside.

Identity politics Democrats are hyping Paul Ryan's 2012 support for Ketanji Brown Jackson for federal appellate judge.

"Our politics may differ, but my praise for Ketanji’s intellect, for her character, for her integrity is unequivocal. She’s an amazing person, and I favorably recommend her consideration," said Ryan at the December 2012 United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearing.

To succeed in Democrat Party politics, all you really need is skin color and some other basis to establish identity bone fides.

Ask Biden, and all of the Democrats demanding a coronation based on skin color and sex.

Ask questions, and you engage in "
baseless and racist attacks," says Elie Mystal.

Ketanji Brown Jackson ain't no William O. Douglas. But that's not what's important in Democrat politics.

1 comment:

  1. Biden is not nominating this "Black" for kicks. He knows she will stick to his commitments: Incarcerating as many black and brown folks as possible.
