Apr 13, 2018

Trump to Launch Missiles Somewhere and then Strut into World War

The American Sec. of Defense, Jimmy Carter, and CodePink
are united with the world, trying to talk Trump down.
A story this morning features military leaders warning about the war spasms of the cornered child in the White House.

"Defense Secretary Jim Mattis sought on Thursday to slow down an imminent strike on Syria, reflecting mounting concerns at the Pentagon that a concerted bombing campaign could escalate into a wider conflict between Russia, Iran and the West," (New York Times).

President* Trump remains a wanna-be dictator running from a federal investigation, looking for the American military to rescue him from his slow-motion suicide, as the Pentagon appears desperate to stop the nut from starting a world war.

The lunatic is making up policy day-by-day, without a clue, in a desperate gamble Trump can wag the dog and look presidential, supported by the British prime minister, but not his own Secretary of Defense, James Mattis.

Trump is a dangerous child, and the world awaits what destruction is wrought.

From Common Dreams:

Former President Jimmy Carter has added his voice to those urging President Donald Trump to refrain from launching an illegal military attack on Syria, warning of the serious dangers—including nuclear conflagration—that could result.

At this point reason and life do not matter in the White House, and Trump is just trying to stop the bleeding from his criminal enterprise about which we were all warned.

Forthcoming rightwing rallies, military strikes, insane tweets, a world mostly aligned against the nut will follow. But this is mere conversation as Donald Trump wants to destroy the Constitution, and start World War III.

Meanwhile, "a group of international law experts, noted in a statement, 'an act of violence committed by one government against another government, without lawful justification, amounts to the crime of aggression: the supreme international crime which carries with it the evil of every other international crime as noted by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1946.'"

Nuremberg, Trump likely has likely seen a movie about NAZI Germany, his kind of people.

"It would be wrong for Congress to allow any president, on his own authority, to launch an attack on Syria that potentially puts the U.S. in conflict with Russia, Iran, or both. But granting that power to Trump—as he contemplates a second Saturday Night Massacre—is utter lunacy," writes Peter Beinart.

Usually, American liberals can be countered on to line up in "support of the war machine in the familiar style — discussed, for example, by Randolph Bourne in classic essays," noted Noam Chomsky presciently in 2002.

Not today. As Trump signals he will use the presidency for the objective of creating catastrophe, the world is lining up against him, only feeding Trump's paranoia and growing isolation.

Wall Street is pretending an adult is supervising, but that will not last.

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