Nov 1, 2016

On Election Day, Watch Electoral Reality Live on VoteCastr

Check in with VoteCastr, and Slate Magazine and lay off
the hard stuff for Election Day data, results, and
predictions live, minute-by-minute.

Upending a paternalistic, anti-democratic and foolish tradition of the media elite

For the first time on Election Day, see live the exit polling data to which only campaign and network elites are privy, and which the American people are denied access.

Not anymore denied access

Check in with VoteCastr, and Slate Magazine and lay off the hard stuff for Election Day data, results, predictions and projected outcomes live, minute-by-minute.

Do the American people have a right to available Exit Poll information, intelligent analysis and supposition regarding the future of our democracy on Election Day?

Of course.

VoteCastr says, yes:

For the first time in the modern political era, Americans will see what the network executives and campaign insiders have seen all along: the game as it unfolds.

VoteCastr believes that providing information and analysis coming out of key battleground states to the American public throughout Election Day will connect the electorate to voting in a new and very powerful way.

On Election Day, VoteCastr’s data collection teams will fan out across the battleground states streaming data through our mobile app. That constant stream will be checked against our proprietary precinct, county, and statewide database models to generate minute-by-minute projected outcomes.

This data stream will form the backbone of a live day-long broadcast out of Brooklyn, New York starting when the first poll opens in Florida and ending when the last poll closes in Nevada. 

"[A] group of data scientists, journalists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs is seeking to upend that reporting tradition, providing detailed projections of who is winning at any given time on Election Day in key swing states, and updating the information in real time from dawn to dusk," (Corasanitti, NYT). See also Turner at Slate Magazine.

Can't wait.

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