Jul 30, 2015

Scott Walker Lied, Was Key Player in Aborted Open Records Scheme

The scheme to gut Wisconsin's Open Records law came from Scott Walker's office, contradicting an earlier denial from Walker that the aborted move "didn't come from us," new records show (Marley and Spicuzza, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel) (Beck, Wisconsin State Journal).

Scott Walker lied again.

Will the national press get the story that Walker is a pathological liar, and an empty suit?

As late as July 7, Walker refused comment, (Mal Contends) before Walker issued a flat denial on the rightwing Milwaukee talk radio Charlie Sykes Show on July 10. (Spicuzza, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel)

Said Walker on July 10: "That was brought to us by the Legislature, and said they wanted to look at it and wanted our input. And we brought up some things that we still think are legitimate in terms of records that involve things like having our staff giving you options on briefings and things like that. Not anything that's external in that regard. ... In the end, I think it was a mistake to even think about it in the budget, even though it didn't come from us. It's a complicated process, and it's one that I think will be best suited in a Legislative Council committee."

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