May 24, 2011

Chomsky on U.S. Militarism

Noam Chomsky
It is also worth thinking about the name given to the operation: Operation Geronimo. The imperial mentality is so profound that few seem able to perceive that the White House is glorifying bin Laden by calling him ‘Geronimo’ -- the leader of courageous resistance to the invaders who sought to consign his people to the fate of ‘that hapless race of native Americans, which we are exterminating with such merciless and perfidious cruelty, among the heinous sins of this nation, for which I believe God will one day bring [it] to judgment,’ in the words of the great grand strategist John Quincy Adams, the intellectual architect of manifest destiny, long after his own contributions to these sins had passed. Some did comprehend, not surprisingly. The remnants of that hapless race protested vigorously. Choice of the name is reminiscent of the ease with which we name our murder weapons after victims of our crimes: Apache, Blackhawk. Tomahawk, … We might react differently if the Luftwaffe were to call its fighter planes ‘Jew’ and ‘Gypsy’.

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