Update: Inside Gaza: The Land of Ghosts
Some wonder if the humanistic dictum of standing with the victims of militarism and racism that - far away from the slaughter of Palestinians and assorted Arabs - animated the creation of Israel lives on today.
How many corpses of Bassem Ibrahim Abu-Rahma and Rachel Corrie need shatter the lives of their families and communities before we realize that whatever idealism and humanism existed in Israel has vanished as it has become a failed moral state.
But it's not the ravings of foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman or rightwing coalitions that brought this tragedy about.
It's inaction, far too many good people in Israel who did nothing these last 40 years as Israel became a terror state and a moral disgrace.
Find out who among your national representatives is working against militarism and for humanism, because without the abiding, bipartisan support of America this continuing atrocity could not go on. See Gwen Moore, profile in courage on Gaza.
From Amy Goodman's Democracy Now last month on the anniversary of Corrie's death:
Footage of demonstration in Bil'in, the shooting of Bassem in fluro yellow-Fiat t-shirt - (Please note: this video contains graphic and upsetting images) Video by David Reeb. This is Israel. Wake up:
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