Apr 20, 2009

Could Be a Bad Week

An update on the Obama's Project: Making Thin Ice Safe column.

The Dow dropped 289 points today from 8,131 (3.56%). And Mike Whitney has a new piece, Housing Bust Comes Roaring Back, Worse Than Ever in CounterPunch that reads like a horror book: "Market analysts predict there will be 5 million more foreclosures between now and 2011. Soaring unemployment and rising foreclosures ensure that hundreds of banks and financial institutions will be forced into bankruptcy. ... Another 20 percent carved off the aggregate value of US housing means another $4 trillion loss to homeowners. That means smaller retirement savings, less discretionary spending, and lower living standards. The next leg down in housing will be excruciating; every sector will feel the pain. Obama's $75 billion mortgage rescue plan is a mere pittance; it won't reduce the principle on mortgages and it won't stop the bleeding. Policymakers have decided they've done enough and refuse to lift a finger to help. They don't see the tsunami looming in front of them plain as day. The housing market is going under and it's going to drag a good part of the broader economy along with it. Stocks, too."

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