Nov 2, 2008

Two Issues for President-elect Obama

Not forgoing the gigantic issues of the national debt and budget deficit, illegal invasion of Iraq, energy independence, health care reform, the crisis on Wall Street, and human rights violations, listed below are two areas of concern that President Obama should launch as major priorities within our government.

Bush has self-consciously thrown the country into crisis in his attempt to eradicate Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, but these contemptible actions by the outgoing demonstration ought not to prevent us from addressing the following two issue areas that are not quite so sexy as to make the front pages of the Washington Post.

US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) – Appoint a new VA Secretary who is a veterans benefits advocate and adopt rules and procedures that are found as fact in the class-action veterans rights case argued last year, [argued pro bono by attorneys at Morrison and Foerster establishing that veterans are experiencing unconscionable delays in seeking health care treatment]. The case, Veterans for Common Sense et al. v. Nicholson; Case No. C 07 3758, U.S.D.C. (N.D. Cal. 2007), was tossed because the Court ruled that the remedy to the deplorable situation had to come from Congress.

It was so easy to make war for the chicken hawks, bu the dead and 100,000s of wounded will suffer for decades. That was war does.

Secrecy – Within all departments of government, Obama should demand a list of recommendations to make the people’s government more transparent, codifying a new openness, including expediting FOIA requests and auditing all departments of government to implement a new transparency of the people’s government.

Hold at least four to five prime-time press conferences every six months, inviting a wider range of attendees including bloggers and Republican and Democratic and Green activists.

Announce that the scripted press conferences that Bush used are over and that Obama will try to reach as many questioners as time permits.
- mal contends

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