The GOP will take any useful political position, a half-truth or a complete fabrication, and push the lie to absurd lengths with no shame. The examples are legion.
Wisconsin's J.B. Van Hollen, Bush, Cheney, Rove, McCain, the whole smirking bunch of them are throw-backs to an era where adherence to superstition and ignorance are sanctified.
At some point, many Republicans delude themselves into thinking that, voter fraud for instance, is a reality.
But facts, rational arguments, logic - these have no meaning to today's Republicans, statist reactionaries who are Stalinist and Nihilistic in their politics and policy.
What goes through the mind of J.B. Van Hollen who argues a position that he undoubtedly knows to be ludicrous? Van Hollen is not dumb, nor is he deluded. He'a a pathological liar.
The next four years will reveal much of what this sickness has wrought onto the world.
See Obama's new closing-the-deal spot below, and compare it and his regard for the American people on the campaign trail to Republican behavior.
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