Oct 3, 2008

GOP Just Hanging On Now

In the debate last night an inane Sarah Palin was trying to impress upon the press corp that though she lacked world knowledge and ability to formulate effective and detailed policy, she could recite talking points and rhetoric well.

Whether she succeeded is debatable, but good enough for Republican work.

From Huffington: CNN: Biden Dominates Among Undecideds... CBS Focus Group: Biden Wins

" ... (S)he got out alive, though there were white-knuckle moments along the way: questions that were answered with painfully obvious talking points that betrayed scant knowledge of the issue at hand, and sometimes little relevance to the question that had been asked. ... She looked like she trying to get people to take her seriously. He looked like he was running for vice president. His answers were more responsive to the questions, far more detailed and less rhetorical. "
- John F. Harris and Mike Allen, The Politico

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