Feb 21, 2008

Debate: Hillary Begins Smug, Bordering on Contrary, Ends Strongly to Standing O

The two candidates seem equal on substance.

What stands out is Hillary, and not in a good way.

It used to be said of Richard Nixon that when you watched him, every bone in your body told you that Nixon was lying.

Hillary is no Nixon, but watching her in the reaction shot as Obama speaks, every bone in your body tells you that she is posturing, and below this veneer lies a smug, putative woman who would punish those with whom she disagrees.

Subjective impression, yes.

First break now. And Hillary has mellowed her quasi-glare.

I really do not believe that Hillary is winning many new converts tonight.

And Obama is proving that he can hold his own, knocking down a Hillary line of attack.

Hillary tried to sneak in the non-issue of Obama using some of the words of his co-Chair on words and actions. Also, tried to hit the plagiarism charge, falling flat.

Both took shots at McCain on economy and Iraq. Obama shined on Iraq, as usual.

Hillary finished with truly inspiring words that brought the entire audience to their feet in applause. Had she adopted this tone throughout the campaign, the primary would be over now.

Decision: Draw. Obama is still the champ.

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