Mar 6, 2019

Foxconn in Wisconsin Remains $Billion Ghost Ship with an Uncomprehending New Governor at the Helm

Updated - Madison, Wisconsin—Publication of a feature piece on the Foxconn catastrophe in The Capital Times has renewed questions about the passivity of Gov Tony Evers (D) and his refusal to research and commence a civil suit against Foxconn.

Defeated Gov Scott Walker (R) negotiated this lunacy, but Walker and Evers' policy on Foxconn is identical.

Telling in the piece by Lawrence Tabak is the description of Evers on hearing news that promised manufacturing jobs were not in Wisconsin's future. Evers released a bizarre statement that failed to address the news that 13,000 promised jobs had vanished.

Instead, Evers muttered words that related to Foxconn messaging.

Writes Tabak:

[Evers] cited Foxconn’s lack of transparency and consistency, and promised that 'we’ll continue to encourage it.' A touch of frustration came through when he added that there was 'no limit to the skepticism if the messaging isn’t consistent.'

So, even with 13,000 jobs at stake, Tony Evers offered reporters in late January an inane statement about encouraging clear messaging and promising to become skeptical in the absence of clear messaging.

Matt Flynn, a veteran litigator and frequent critic of Foxconn, is publicly pointing out the inadequacy of Walker and Evers' approach to the complex contract between Foxconn and Wisconsin.

It's unclear if Evers is listening or even understands the Foxconn contract.

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