Mar 8, 2025

Kenosha County Sheriff Uses Office to Appear in Wisconsin Supreme Court Attack Ad

Oconto County Sheriff Todd Scarban don his official
uniform, claiming to speak for Wisconsin law enforcement, in
an attack ad against Dane County Judge Susan Crawford,
candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court. The Zoerner ad is part of
a heavy ad buy by Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce.

Kenosha County Sheriff David W. Zoerner and Oconto County Sheriff Todd Scarban don official uniforms in new attack ad. Zoerner claims to speak for Wisconsin law enforcement, in the ad against Dane County Judge Susan Crawford, candidate for Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Crawford is running against former Republican Attorney General Brad Schimel in a closely watched April 1 election.

In the Zoerner ad, the office of Judge Crawford's office phone number is listed, as a narrator urges phone calls to the office.
The Kenosha County Sheriff's office has a history of overt hostility toward black people, advocating openly black people should be 'warehoused away,' as noted prominently in the Washington Post.

CNN has also reported on the racist Kenosha County sheriff office.

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