Jun 5, 2020

Joe Biden Says Ten to 15 Percent of Americans Are "Not Very Good People"

"Former Vice President Joe Biden told supporters during a virtual town hall on Thursday he estimated 10 to 15% of Americans were 'not very good people' but said the majority were 'decent' people whom the president should work towards uniting," reports Nicholas Wu in USA TODAY.

Biden has divined what percentage of the population is "not very good," to use the phrase of the cognitively challenged presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, who evidentially has not apprehended empirical science any more than he has police violence, (Bloomberg video).

Biden's remarks were made in an online event moderated by actor Don Cheadle, after being asked what he intended to do for black people if elected president, amid the police murder of George Floyd.

Biden's comments are intended to inform the challenge of mass incarceration and the menace of police, but offer nothing to address the cause of police violence. Police violence is not accident.

What municipal and state police inflict onto the population, especially black and brown, is not a consequence of the number of not very good people among the population.

Joe Biden still does not get it, and he never will.

His remarks are a mambo-jumbo of a confused mind — the perfect Democratic Party candidate for president.

This ought not surprise anyone as this is same politician who bragged about sending 100,000 cops to municipalities to fill jails and prisons.

Biden is the embodiment of the Democratic Party that avoids historical and institutional analyses of what police inflict onto black, brown, native Americans, human beings who may just be targets of opportunity, the labor movement, the civil rights and peace movements.

As Christopher D. Cook writes today in In These Times:

For black and brown people, racism-fueled policing has been here all along—'stamped from the beginning,' as author and scholar Ibram X. Kendi puts it in his bestselling book of that title. Now, many white Americans are getting an acrid taste of this toxic deadly force.
In a 2014 interview, renowned scholar Angela Davis noted, 'There is an unbroken line of police violence in the US that takes us all the way back to the days of slavery.'

Make it known: You do not have vote for Joe Biden.

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