Apr 8, 2020

Madison, Wisconsin Turnout Rises Past 50 Percent — State Casualty Numbers Expected in Weeks

Wisconsin elections thrust on the people in the middle
of a deadly pandemic may have solved the Milwaukee
turnout problem for a generation. Republicans
don't care how people die as a result of their reckless acts.
Photo: Patricia McKnight of Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
Update: "It was just absurd," Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell said, referring to the April 7 elections Republicans imposed upon an outraged Wisconsin public. "I mean, first of all, why would you think it's appropriate to hold an election when you have to dress that way as a poll worker? But two, the haves and the have-nots. I guess, if you're the speaker (dressed in personal protective equipment), [Rep Robin Vos (R-Rochester, Wisconsin)] that's what you get. If you're everyone else, you get what you get."(WKOW-TV, (Madison))

Madison, Wisconsin — The Madison city clerk reports turnout surpassed 50 percent at 4:00 Wednesday morning.

That figure is expected to climb.

Considering the risk and massive voter suppression work of the Republicans Party at multiple levels and branches of government, 50-some percent is a miracle.

Local officials expressed outrage at state leaders for not postponing the dangerous elections.

An election casualty list is not expected until two weeks.

Outrage at Republicans who thrust Wisconsin citizens into the coronavirus COVID 19 storm may have created a "Vos effect," a determination to vote against Republicans.

Rep Robin Vos (R-Rochester, Wisconsin) is the Speaker of the gerrymandered state assembly who successfully worked to kill efforts to postpone the April 7 elections.

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