Feb 16, 2019

Social Media Effort Focuses Press Attention on Wisconsin Dept of Justice Misconduct, Following DoJ Scandals Blacked-out

In Wisconsin, Cops Are the Criminals, and Most Corporate Press Is Cowed

Updated - Madison, Wisconsin — What does one do when crooks and liars conspire to convict, imprison and cover-up crimes against innocent citizens?

Alert the media.

Calling Wisconsin cops isn't going to help as law enforcement here resembles a disorganized, sprawling crime family, protected by the cult of the police.

The cult is everything. Innocent people: Frame them, assassinate their characters, imprison them. And never publicly criticize a fellow cop, no matter what.

Amelia McDonell-Parry's feature-length piece in Rolling Stone updates a story in Wisconsin.

Cops in multiple law enforcement jurisdictions framed an innocent man for a 1985 attempted murder and rape, (exonerated after 18 years in prison), were exposed, then framed the same man (and a 16-year-old Brendan Dassey) for the 2005 murder of Teresa Halbach, just as Steven Avery was deposing cops for a $36-million civil rights suit for his first wrongful conviction, and were exposed again.

Steven Avery has spent over half of his 56 years in prison, wrongfully convicted of twice, framed, and featured in Making a Murderer that has finally brought world-wide attention on the Wisconsin human rights problem.

Now, in 2019 the Wisconsin Dept of Justice has been caught in a new and dirtier cover-up.

Advocates last night staged a Twitter storm on social media, #WakeUpWisconsin, to draw attention to what the Wisconsin Dept of Justice is doing, and what most of the state press is not doing: Reporting on the spectacle of criminality committed by all manner of law enforcement.

Innocence advocates made the DoJ cover-up the number one story in the United Kingdom, (at right) and trended world-wide.

Some Wisconsin media outlets follow the story: WBAY-TV, WGBA-TV.

But most of the press here black-outs major developments, in accordance with the cult of law enforcement — the authorities, the state, the sovereign, the collection of ass-hats led by Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul (D), carrying on the cover-up tradition begun by Kaul's mother, the late Wisconsin Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager (D), (2002-2007), in a sick family tradition.

McDonell-Parry's piece in Rolling Stone updates this story as post-conviction litigation has taken a bizarre-even-for-Wisconsin twist: The DoJ is misleading the state appellate court and Avery's counsel, in an attempt to stop a circuit (County) court from examining why the state destroyed evidence, in violation of Wisconsin state statute and Avery's Constitutional rights.

Writes McDonell-Parry:

Attorney Kathleen Zellner has filed a new letter with the Wisconsin Court of Appeals on behalf of her client, Steven Avery, accusing the Attorney General’s Office of 'trying to deceive' her and the Court about the status of key forensic evidence in the Making a Murderer case. Zellner’s letter, submitted on February 13th, is actually her second letter to the court in as many days; both letters supplement a January 24th motion that accused prosecutors of violating state law and Avery’s constitutional rights by destroying evidence. Zellner tells Rolling Stone that she has since learned that a key piece of evidence — suspected human pelvic bone fragments, which could exonerate her client — may have been destroyed as well. And, she says, prosecutors are 'obstructing' her efforts to find out.

According to a newly discovered police report and updated evidence control ledgers, on September 20th, 2011, 'human bone' fragments recovered during the investigation were removed from the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department’s evidence control unit. They were transferred to a local funeral home, which then 'returned' the bones to the family of murder victim Teresa Halbach.

According to an affidavit from Avery’s former appellate attorney Suzanne Hagopian, the State never informed defense counsel of its intention to effectively 'destroy' key case evidence by giving it to the victim’s family. Wisconsin law requires law enforcement to preserve 'any biological material' and 'physical evidence' until the convicted defendant has been discharged from prison. Avery is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole, and the Wisconsin statute protects his right to retain evidence that 'may reasonably be used to incriminate or exculpate any person' in Halbach’s murder.

On Feb. 13, 2019, Mark Williams and Thomas J. Fallon, attorneys with the Wisconsin Dept of Justice, were caught red-handed continuing their pattern of lying and obstruction.

Red-handed as in DoJ co-counsel Williams attempted to phone DoJ Asst Attorney General Fallon on Feb. 13, and instead accidentally phoned Steven Avery's post-conviction attorney, Kathleen Zellner, and left a voicemail.

In Williams' voicemail message, Williams contradicted the DoJ's numerous assurances made since 2016 about the status of critical pelvic bones that Zellner wants to test with advanced DNA analyses.

Listen to the voicemail because it appears more deceitful and conniving than the transcription.

The voicemail is transcribed below:

Hi, Tom. This is Mark Williams. Um, I'll send you an email later today, but I don't think we should do anything or respond to her [Zellner] at all until tomorrow, uh, when we look into the bag and-and see exactly the pelvic bones are in there or not. Um, so I-I would not respond, uh, until we look into the bag, uh, tomorrow morning and then we can talk about it, uh, before we send a response. Thanks a lot. Bye.

The state has assured Counsel and the Court since 2016, that the state has possession of the pelvic bone, and now atty Williams is caught saying, he doesn't know.

There is speculation that all this is too much even for Wisconsin.

But noone really knows.

One thing is certain: #WakeUpWisconsin is keeping this story on social media, hell or high water.

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