Nov 21, 2018

Fight and Defeat Racism, Enough of 'Healing' Talk in Baraboo, Wisconsin

Baraboo, Wisconsin - We're white and proud of it.

Baraboo white boys deserve a medal

Madison, Wisconsin — The worst place to be black in the nation is Wisconsin.

That's because of, in part, the work of provincial, small-town bureaucrats exemplified in Baraboo, Wisconsin — home of the Nazi salute and white-power iconography.

Nothing to see here, just a bunch of crazy kids, is the current line of crap emitted by Baraboo Mayor Mike Palm and Baraboo School District Administrator Lori Mueller and other damage-control, say-nothing know-nothings, (Susan Endres, WISC-TV).

Baraboo is Wisconsin.
I lived here all my life.

My first 19 years, I lived in Fond du Lac — where nigger jokes and Jew jokes were frequent, and black people, at least in 1970s-early 1980s, did not reside.

I never met or saw one black person in Fondy, and I was a runner at the time and from a news family. I knew or at least encountered the entire City north-to-south, east-to-west many-times over.
Reporting from Baraboo on the first of three community meetings, Susan Endres, (WISC-TV), reveals some hope for an open acknowledgement of reality, as opposed to the bureaucratic blather of Baraboo School District Administrator Lori Mueller:

Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman said she doesn’t wish to condemn the boys, many of whom probably didn’t understand the meaning of the salute or intend to cause harm, but noted that the image must be viewed in the context of growing anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia.

'While seeing the image of a Nazi salute has a particular effect on Jews, this isn’t just about Jews. This about white supremacy,' she said, eliciting applause from the audience. 'There cannot be healing until we acknowledge and confront the political climate in which we live.' 

That's right.

For shining a light, however harsh, on the ongoing obscenity of Wisconsin, the kids deserve a medal.

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