Dec 20, 2017

Republicans and Tax Scam to Face the Nation in 2018

House Speaker Paul Ryan looks to
destroy Social Security, Medicare
and Medicaid in 2018.
From Bloomberg:

Now, Pelosi and her party will try to turn the tables, targeting the GOP’s main achievement of 2017: tax legislation that, so far, rates poorly with the public. Republicans are pitching its middle-class benefits and potential economic growth to win over wary voters, but Democrats have united in labeling it a "tax scam" that benefits the wealthy and corporations.

"The American people will see through what this is, which is a scam," said Representative Ben Ray Luján, who chairs the House Democrats’ campaign arm. "This bill is terribly unpopular across America," he said, adding that the party’s internal polling shows it to be unpopular "especially in swing states."

House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, says he’s utterly untroubled by Democrats’ threats.
"No concerns, whatsoever," Ryan said Tuesday during a news conference. He added: "Results are going to make this popular."

Once American wage earners see their paychecks in February 2018 -- after employers have adjusted withholding -- they’ll start to appreciate what a boon they’ve received, he said. He and other GOP leaders also cite what they say will be a major boost to the economy, pushing annual growth to 3 percent.
After Republicans engineered their latest tax scam, Dana Duncan, an attorney in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, writes:
Meanwhile, a campaign fight beckons in 2018, and Republicans are off to a lying start.

Paul Ryan was asked how the tax scam would affect the deficit, and lying Ryan said he didn't know the answer to that question because "that’s in the future."

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