Sep 12, 2017

Richard Posner Blows Whistle on Federal Judiciary

Readers note persuasively that career-changing federal appellate Judge Richard Poser blew the whistle on the federal judiciary as a whole as intellectually dishonest pols pursuing results in federal litigation.

Judge Richard Posner announced his resignation from the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit earlier this month.

In an exit interview with Adam Liptak in the New York Times, Posner made comments implicitly and explicitly critical of federal judges, in response to Liptak's questions: 

'Judges are simply applying rules, and the rules come from somewhere else, like the Constitution, and the Constitution is sacred. And statutes, unless they’re unconstitutional, are sacred also.'

'A lot of the people who say that are sincere,' he said. 'That’s their conception of law. That’s fine.'

He said he had less sympathy for the second camp [of his critics]. 'There are others who are just, you know, reactionary beasts,' he said. 'They’re reactionary beasts because they want to manipulate the statutes and the Constitution in their own way.'

That judges at every level of the judiciary seek results over the law is obvious.

Judges because their actions matter to real people are a destructive and worrisome force, largely unexamined in American society, and actors whose duplicity is cringe-worthy.

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