Mar 12, 2012

Executive Clemency Links Abound in Scott Walker's Gov. Webpage - Why?

Update: Reader says some of the links were there in February 2011, and that the Application for Executive Clemency form was revised March 28, 2011.

When Gov. Doyle and past Wisconsin governors served, does anyone recall the "Executive Clemency" link occupying such a prominent placement on the governor's webpage (sitemap page) before?

Sixth from the top sub-heading, there's the Executive Clemency link, including helpful links (PDF and Word) to the nine-page Executive Clemency form.

Walker, who just last November took criticism for the neglect of a constitutional duty (pardons) of a governor (Associated Press Nov. 28, 2011) now appears enthusiastic about the power to grant clemency, or at least very helpfup in directing web readers to the forms needed for Executive Clemency.
The Republican governor "believes these decisions are best left up to the courts," Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie said [then].
Now, go to the Contact Us webpage and there's more links for Executive Clemency. What about these decisions being best left up to the courts? What is a clemency link doing there?
Scott Walker's governor's webpage is skimpy, leaning far towards partisan propaganda for a Wisconsin webpage.
Why the get-tough-on-crime governor suddenly seems so helpful to the idea of granting clemency is a question Scott Walker should answer.
Last month, we said here, Scott Walker Needs to Pledge: No Pardon or Commutation for Tim Russell.
Don't believe that pledge is forthcoming.

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