Apr 9, 2010

District Attorney Southworth Ridicules Himself Again

Scott Southworth, Wisconsin District Attorney for Juneau County, is an Evangelical Christian who does like non-Evangelical culture intruding into his ideal of America and family.

Southworth has warned Wisconsin schools to decease their sex-education programs, saying that teachers involved could face arrest and prosecution by following state law, a requirement stating students be instructed on how to use contraceptives.

Southworth writes in his letter (dated March 24) that the new policy promotes the "sexual assault of children" and exposes the teachers to criminal liability for "contributing to the delinquency of children."

While at student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the late 1990s, Southworth sought in a federal law suit that to halt funding of student organizations that he disliked including women's groups fighting sexual assault and groups promoting equality for gays and lesbians. [See BOARD OF REGENTS OF UNIV. OF WIS. SYSTEMV. SOUTHWORTH (98-1189) 529 U.S. 217 (2000).]

Southworth's letter with its dire warnings will not amount to much except widespread ridicule during a contentious 2010 election year.

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