Feb 23, 2009

The Obama Opportunity

President Barack Obama will speak to the American public tonight via an address to a joint session of Congress.

This critical address comes as financial markets are tumbling while the American public continues to express high levels of confidence about Obama as president and his agenda addressing the economic crises.

Obama needs to call forth a collective effort from the American people. Politically, he is at the apex of his administration’s ability to summon the excitement of community and sacrifice that Americans have always given at moments of peril.

It's an enduring dynamic of human beings living in a community at crisis that is too rarely called on but is most needed at the worst of economic times.

What Obama needs to explain in the next few weeks beginning tonight (Feb. 24) is clear:

- Here are the problems and here are the stakes
- Here’s how we’ll fix it
- Here’s what you — each American citizen — can do
- Here’s how your personal innovation and commitment will contribute to your personal security, and America’s as a whole

Obama needs to capture the American imagination by stressing both the gravity of the economic crises and acclaiming that America is uniquely prepared to solve the crises for our collective security and that of future generations.

In the words of Robert F. Kennedy, quoted by his brother, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, at his public memorial service in 1968:

Like it or not, we live in times of danger and uncertainty. But they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history. All of us will ultimately be judged, and as the years pass we will surely judge ourselves on the effort we have contributed to building a new world society and the extent to which our ideals and goals have shaped that event.
If Obama has the vision to call forth decency and individual courage, there really is not much that we as a country cannot do, and Obama will begin to live up to the hope, like that not seen in over 40 years, that America has placed in him.

Contact author at: maleon64@yahoo.com
via mal contends

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