Jan 15, 2009

Cold Fun

As long as it's going to be cold and the kids are home from school but can't go out too long:

Take a pot of boiling water and throw it in the air when it's colder than 10-below, and the water will crystallize into an icy fog and give a crackling sound without any water touching the ground.

The low in Madison is going to be 20-some below zero, so instead of a morning jog, try this winter fun when the kids wake up.

1. Boil some water, while you dress warmly!

2. Take a small pot of boiling water [no glass, no bare metal, wear gloves], go outdoors, and throw it up into the air, really toss it upward and outward. You will want to throw it at an angle; make sure there is no blow-back from the wind, and Farve it - meaning rifle that water.

3. The water instantly will vaporize into an icy fog and the kids might say "cool".

Why? I don't know, something about it being so fracking cold out.

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