Nov 16, 2008

Equal Protection Will Come

One day, the Equal Protection Clause will be sensibly applied to LGBT persons' right to marry.

The Equal Protection clause will be read to mean that denying a citizen the right to marry, in defiance of equal protection under the law, is about as sensible as the reasoning in Plessy.

Sounds like the California Constitution is ahead of the game in judicial policymaking on the national front and proposition 8 will be overturned.

Nationally the US Supreme Court will catch up one day.

The inequality is staring us in the face.

If we had to throw Brown v. Board of Education to a series of state referenda, who knows in how many states it would have passed.

Many today would still refuse to knock down the separate-but-equal pillar of American racism.

Trying to fathom the seemingly incomprehensible, protesters Saturday asked of gay marriage opponents: "What will they take from you?"

What they will take from the bigoted in the projection of hate and dehumanization that all bigots and ignoramuses share and lean on for meaning in their lives.

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