Sep 23, 2008

GOP Chair Met Van Hollen at Convention, Talked 'Follow-law' Shop

Interesting piece in the State Journal by Mark Pitsch this morning.

Reince Priebus, the Wisconsin GOP party chairman, confirms that he

had multiple conversations with Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen's top aide before Van Hollen filed a lawsuit against the state election agency to compel expanded voter registration checks.

But Reince Priebus, the party chairman, defended his contacts with Deputy Attorney General Ray Taffora, his comments in Van Hollen's presence this month at the Republican National Convention criticizing the election agency, and meetings between GOP lawyers and the Justice Department lawyers handling the lawsuit. ... 'It's important that in my comments to the delegation and even standing around in the breakfast room or the staff room with J.B., there was nothing more I said than the continuation of my general feeling that the Government Accountability Board needs to follow the HAVA law,' Priebus said. 'There was no strategizing.'

No strategizing, just following the law?

The problem is the GOP's view of following the law led to its voter suppression efforts. Must have been a fun party though.

The GOP knows fully well it's trying to suppress turn-out in what it hopes will be a close race this November.

Can't have too many of those non-driving blacks voting.

Does this piss off everyone?

But maybe it went down like this:

Reince Priebus: Hey JB, you know: We really to need to follow the law and stuff.

J.B. Van Hollen: Yep, we need to follow the law; just have to. Protect voters.

Reince Priebus: Yep.

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