Mar 5, 2008

Hillary Wins Three out of Four Running a General Election Negative Campaign

Obama e-mail statement to supporters:

...When the dust settles from today's contests, we will maintain our substantial lead in delegates. And thanks to millions of people standing for change, we will keep adding delegates and capture the Democratic nomination. ...
We knew that the closer we got to the change we seek, the more we'd see of the politics we're trying to end -- the attacks and distortions that try to distract us from the issues that matter to people's lives, the stunts and the tactics that ask us to fear instead of hope. ...

Clinton nets one, maybe two delegates

Texas win gives Clinton three out of four

Post: 'Clinton still faces daunting odds in her bid for the nomination'

NBC political analyst Charlie Cook writes in his CongressDaily column, “[W]inning by slight percentages in Texas and Ohio aren’t real wins for Clinton. A ‘win’ would be anything that significantly closes the gap in delegates. Symbolic victories mean nothing at this point, other than encouraging her to plow ahead in this campaign, amassing a greater campaign debt than already exists and delaying her ability to get on with the next phase of her life.” - AmericaBlog

Clinton doing well with whites; race-baiting worked to some extent, but piss on her, I'll never vote for her. Wonder if Clinton realizes what she did this last week. Clinton's lesson: Attacking Obama works

Hell, blacks, young people and progressives really are not that important, are they.

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