Update: Boumediene v. Bush and Al Odah v. United States arguments (are scheduled) be heard at: C-Span 3 11.15 (eastern), 10:15 (central), and ScotusBlog will be (after-arguments)-blogging at 11:15 eastern time this a.m.
The Washington Post has a front-page story by Carol D. Leonnig detailing the plight on an innocent man, student Murat Kurnaz, held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, since 2002.
In fact, Kurnaz was and is known by U.S. authorities to be innocent.
The "... intelligence community's consensus view that Kurnaz is innocent is detailed in newly released military and court documents that track his fate."
Excerpt from the piece:
The (U.S. military tribunal) process is "fundamentally corrupted," said Baher Azmy, a professor at Seton Hall Law School who represents Kurnaz. "All of this just reveals that they had the wrong person and they knew it."
He added: "His entire file reveals he has no connection with terrorism. None. Confronted with this uncomfortable fact, the military panel makes up evidence" to justify its claim that only real terrorists are incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay.
Cmdr. Jeffrey D. Gordon, a Pentagon spokesman, declined to comment on whether the military now believes that it erred in imprisoning Kurnaz, or to discuss the release of new records. He stressed that a substantial amount of information about Kurnaz remains classified. ...
The Washington Post has a front-page story by Carol D. Leonnig detailing the plight on an innocent man, student Murat Kurnaz, held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, since 2002.
In fact, Kurnaz was and is known by U.S. authorities to be innocent.
The "... intelligence community's consensus view that Kurnaz is innocent is detailed in newly released military and court documents that track his fate."
Excerpt from the piece:
The (U.S. military tribunal) process is "fundamentally corrupted," said Baher Azmy, a professor at Seton Hall Law School who represents Kurnaz. "All of this just reveals that they had the wrong person and they knew it."
He added: "His entire file reveals he has no connection with terrorism. None. Confronted with this uncomfortable fact, the military panel makes up evidence" to justify its claim that only real terrorists are incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay.
Cmdr. Jeffrey D. Gordon, a Pentagon spokesman, declined to comment on whether the military now believes that it erred in imprisoning Kurnaz, or to discuss the release of new records. He stressed that a substantial amount of information about Kurnaz remains classified. ...
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