Update: Excerpt from a nice e-mail from a reader regarding the rabid pro-invade-everywhere advocate, Shane Hensinger.
To understand Shane Hensinger, you need to keep in mind that he (I think it's a "he," anyway) is what is sometimes called a Zionofascist. The Zionofascists are concerned that any criticism of the Iraq invasion *at the current historical juncture* could pose an impediment to their dream of an Iran invasion. I think that was the reason for the extreme reaction to your DK piece. Not only the Zionofascists and the Neocons, but even a large segment of the Democratic Party are now getting seriously involved in pushing for an invasion of Iran. Hensinger did use some extreme language in his comments on my pieces, but he never resorted to obscenities, as he has in his comments on your piece. I think that shows the level of his/their desperation. They really really really want an Iran invasion now, and won't tolerate anyone or anything that stands in their way.
The REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER show on August 24, 2007 this summer features Tim Robbins and Michel Martin, a media talking head, who manages to say almost nothing perfectly, something of a younger David Broder.
Michel Martin's performance on Maher's show and on NPR lays bare the banality and refusal of American journalists to critically analyse American foreign policy, no matter how blatant the deadly policy and how obvious the lies supporting the criminal enterprise that is the Iraq War.
The following exchange is instructive:
ROBBINS: [overlapping] The reason why they don’t want to take any responsibility for this (the Iraq War) is because of the incredible disaster it’s resulted in. And that might mean you might have to take some moral responsibility for an awful lot of death.
MARTIN: But how do you – why – why is it so invested in the idea that it was a lie, as opposed to a mistake? I guess what I’m just curious about is why.
ROBBINS: Because it was—
MARTIN: It has to be deliberate falsehood as opposed to wrong, just mistaken and wrong?
ROBBINS: That’s an awful lot of fuck-up. [laughter] [applause] I’m sorry. [cheers] On many different levels. Many different levels.
So even approaching five years after the illegal war was thrust upon the world based on obvious and discredited lies, a journalist like Martin can say with a straight face that the Bush administration did not lie, but was simply mistaken and wrong.
The following exchange is instructive:
ROBBINS: [overlapping] The reason why they don’t want to take any responsibility for this (the Iraq War) is because of the incredible disaster it’s resulted in. And that might mean you might have to take some moral responsibility for an awful lot of death.
MARTIN: But how do you – why – why is it so invested in the idea that it was a lie, as opposed to a mistake? I guess what I’m just curious about is why.
ROBBINS: Because it was—
MARTIN: It has to be deliberate falsehood as opposed to wrong, just mistaken and wrong?
ROBBINS: That’s an awful lot of fuck-up. [laughter] [applause] I’m sorry. [cheers] On many different levels. Many different levels.
So even approaching five years after the illegal war was thrust upon the world based on obvious and discredited lies, a journalist like Martin can say with a straight face that the Bush administration did not lie, but was simply mistaken and wrong.
Now, we have the continuing ahistorical effort to portray the U.S. as carrying out the will of the United Nations in a noble "occupation" upholding international law. The Iraqi War that is no longer a war. Amazing.
"The Security Council, at the request of the recognized Iraqi government, has authorized the presence of US and coalition forces in Iraq on a yearly basis," says a liberal blogger, Shane Hensinger.
Martin, like many liberals of Hensinger's caliber, will not concede simple facts and acknowledge the lies put forth in support of the illegal American invasion that most of the rest of the world sees clearly:
- Today, we see an attempt to assert that the illegal invasion is made legal after the fact.
- The Charter of the United Nations, the Hague and Geneva Conventions, the Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and Westphalia convention do apply in Iraq.
- That there is no functioning sovereign Iraqi government representing the Iraqi people, as millions have been displaced from their generations-old homes and 100,000s live in segregated neighborhoods. The Iraqi government is a fiction.
- The Charter of the United Nations, the Hague and Geneva Conventions, the Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and Westphalia convention do apply in Iraq.
- That there is no functioning sovereign Iraqi government representing the Iraqi people, as millions have been displaced from their generations-old homes and 100,000s live in segregated neighborhoods. The Iraqi government is a fiction.
- That foreign fighters mostly come from American allies.
- That the U.S. has driven out two Iraqi heads of state.
One could go on.
To disparage the neocon's intentions, achieving democracy vis a vis a client oil state, is off-the-charts for many liberals in the blogging community as well as in the outer reaches of the liberal mainstream press.
Despite the resurrection of the propaganda program that the Iraq War is a noble attempt to establish democracy parroted by Martin and liberal bloggers, fortunately, most Americans have come to the conclusion that this war, whatever the liberals and neocons may now call it, is simply not worth the costs.
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