Oct 2, 2007

Neocons Seek Strike Against Iran, Hillary Clinton Comes out Against Iran Strike Funding

Update: Hillary Clinton Supports Resolution Prohibiting Funding for Military Action Against Iran

Does anybody think that Dear Leader Bush will take us to the brink of war with Iran only to back down at the last moment and bask in his victory of diplomacy and peace, making GWB a truly great president?

Maybe future historians, echoing Nixon and China, will say: Only Bush can go almost to war.

No, I don't think so either. Writes James Carroll in the Boston Globe:

IF YOU Google "war Iran," you will come up with more than 90 million results. The blogosphere is full of alarms about US intentions toward Iran. Newsweek said last week that Vice President Cheney has been looking to provoke an Israeli assault against Iranian nuclear facilities that would draw Iranian reactions, sparking a "justifiable" American attack. At the United Nations, meanwhile, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France seemed to second his foreign minister's recent warning that an unchecked Iranian nuclear program will lead to war. But this "constant drumbeat of conflict" concerning Iran, said Admiral William Fallon, head of the US Central Command, is "not helpful and not useful." Fallon wants to head off such talk. "There will be no war," he told Al-Jazeera, a denial that keeps the specter looming.
No war, at least not while Fallon still works at that joint.

But no matter the preparations being made to prevent huge spikes in oil prices, the predictable deaths of 1,000s, the destabilizations reverberating around the globe, and the possible virtual destruction of the GOP on the national level, it's difficult to fathom Bush contemplating rationally the consequences of the proposed neocon foolishness.

But Bush would find allies in this act of idiocy among many of our Democratic friends in Congress. But Hillary Clinton is not one of those foolhardy Democrats.

Clinton let off a blast that the Senator is about as enthusiastic about striking Iraq, absent Congressional authorization, as Admiral Fallon. [BTW, Clinton just had her Best Quarter Yet: Clinton Raises $27 Million (Huffington Post).

The neocon whacks, the suicide chickenhawks, best be careful lest they find themselves in a couple of years the political equivalent of the John Birch Society.

Below are links to a sample of pieces around the world on various aspects of the war president's next catastrophe. It makes one inclined to look up the current value of the Rapture Index.

- The Independent: US plan for air strikes on Iran 'backed by Brown'
- The Telegraph: Neocons seek to justify action against Teheran
- The Mail: I hate all Iranians, US aide tells MPs
- The Guardian: Bolton calls for bombing of Iran
- The New Yorker: Shifting Targets, The Administration’s plan for Iran
- Der Spiegel: 'The President Has Accepted Ethnic Cleansing'
- The Boston Globe: History and the drumbeat of war

Update: Madison, Oct. 20, Saturday, 11:00 AM-Noon; Peace Vigils At the Malls: West Towne Mall

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