Sep 25, 2007

Rep. Marsha Blackburn Exposed as Phoney

Via MyDD

This is great.

MSNBC's David Shuster exposes the hypocrisy of Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) who postures as an ultra-patriotic citizen blasting the the New York Times and MoveOn for pointing out General Petraeus is a liar, but the superpatriot Blackburn cannot name the 18-year-old kid (who is her constituent) killed in Iraq last month. [Gunner Marsha is pictured above with General Petraeus.]

See MyDD for the video.

Blackburn is a partisan who could not care less about kids getting killed for administration lies, but tries to score political points about a newspaper ad!

- Blackburn Statement on Testimony of General David Petraeus

- Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) homepage.


1 comment:

  1. Blackburn was instrumental in spreading the "Murtha is a coward" mantra talking point when the RW couldn't intelligently discuss Murtha's Iraq plan. How dare she now be upset over the Betrayus ad - especially when Limbaugh was the first to use the name, not Blackburn is a disgrace to TN.
