Aug 16, 2007

Padilla Guilty on All Conspiracy Counts

Fascists rejoicing.

Held an American citizen incommunicado, tortured him for over three years, drove him insane, and convicted him of conspiracy charges on the most thin array of evidence. Judge and venue-shopping paid off for the Bush administration. Appeal next.

Count One of the indictment charges the defendants with a conspiracy to murder, kidnap or maim persons outside the United States.
Verdict: Guilty

Count Two of the indictment charges the defendants with a conspiracy to provide or conceal material support in preparation for, or for use in carrying out, a conspiracy to murder, kidnap or maim persons overseas.
Verdict: Guilty

Count Three of the indictment charges the defendants with actually providing or concealing material support for use in preparation for, or in carrying out, a conspiracy to murder, kidnap or maim persons overseas.
Verdict: Guilty


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