Jul 13, 2024

Kamala Harris Needs Unscripted Town Halls — No Preapproved Questions, No Preselected Audience

Remarks by President Biden in Press
, July 11, 2024
Update: Make that Kamala Harris.
Madison, Wisconsin — President Joe Biden's reelection campaign can win confidence from the electorate by appearing in a series of unscripted, unvetted, town hall-type, question-and-answer events in swing states.

No preselected questioner pools, no campaign-approved questions. Scripted press conferences won't do the job.

In town hall-type, question-and-answer events, campaigns honor people asking questions, by not engineering questions, vetted by the campaigns.

Readers attending speakers in rooms 2650, 3650 of the Humanities building on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus know, for example, what unscripted questions-and-answer sessions are.

Questioners should ask, probe, and challenge political candidates who should be seeking mandates.

Political campaigns now-a-days treat unscripted people-centered events as unnecessary risks, akin to trial attorneys asking questions of witnesses, without knowing testimony.

Campaigns looking to win a mandate from the people for whom we have a country should avoid fake campaigns, such as what we see almost daily, like the plague.

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