May 22, 2015

GOP's Court Allies Try to Jam Through Scott Walker-John Doe Cases in Violation of Court Rules

Need more evidence the fix is in for Scott Walker's and allies trying to abort a law enforcement investigation by state constitutional officers of both parties?

Patrick Marley has the story breaking at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel on three cases at the Wisconsin Supreme Court that were not on the Court calendar and that the GOP's Justice Roggensack wants heard anyway, in violation of Court rules.

The three cases heard are not named, hence not necessarily the John Doe cases in which Walker and his allies are trying to evade being investigated, but most observers are guessing Roggensack is still fronting for Walker for the three John Doe cases.

In a related story, see Pema Levy's piece today at Mother Jones: How Scott Walker and His Allies Hijacked the Wisconsin Supreme Court - And what it means for the probe into alleged campaign violations by Walker and conservative dark-money groups.

The bottom line: Even investigating Scott Walker's clear violations of state law are blocked by corrupt Republicans on the bench.

Notes Brendan Fischer at PRWatch:

In last year's Supreme Court race, WMC spent an estimated $500,000 supporting Justice Roggensack's reelection, and Wisconsin Club for Growth spent $350,000. Together they outspent the $652,318 spent by the justice's own campaign.

WMC issued a special Supreme Court edition of its "Business Voice" magazine in advance of the election, with page after page warning that if Roggensack were to lose, "all of the reforms of Governor Scott Walker and the business community would hang in the balance." WMC's president described the group's efforts to "elect 'strict constructionist' judges to the high court," and Justice Ziegler penned an op-ed endorsing Roggensack.

Roggensack refuses to recuse from hearing WiCFG and John Doe cases despite the clear conflict of interest in secretly hearing cases involving parties who elected her.

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